



日期 學生姓名 活動內容
2024 温子慈-碩士班 中國淮陰師範學院-第七屆兩岸大學生運河文化體驗營
2023 簡綉蓉-大學部 韓國全北大學
2023/8 許郁雯-碩士班 參加日本青森中央學院大學-暑期短期遊學
2020年春季一學期 梁郁琪-大學部 榮獲參加2020年年春季赴大陸寧波大學 物流管理系(一學期) 交換生
2019/3/12-3/17 廖苡秀-大學部 榮獲參加2019年日本秋田美術大學舉辦之IEDC活動
International Engineering Design Challenge 2019 in Akita, Japan
2018 陳雅惠-碩士班 榮獲2018年日本北海道室蘭工業大學短期交換
2018 Short-term Exchange Study at Muroran Institute of Technology
2016/6 陳俊男、林廷耀、姚建碩-大學部 榮獲 第三屆廈臺高校物流案例分析邀請賽一等獎



年度 學生姓名 論文名稱 國際研討會 指導老師
2022 張凱翔 K. H. Chang
溫芯茹 H.J. Wen
賴品蓉 P.J. Lai
An Educative Approach to Booth Assignment for a School Carnival 2022 International Conference on Diversified Education and Social Development (DESD 2022) 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2022 蕭以青 Y. C. Hsiao
賴品蓉 P. J. Lai
Healthy Diet Lists Considering Carbon Footprint and Calories 2022 International Conference on Diversified Education and Social Development (DESD 2022) 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2020 嚴大益 D. Y. Yen Assessing Information Quality and Distinguishing Feature Subsets for Molecular Classification 2020 10th International Conference on Bioscience,Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (ICBBB 2020) Kyoto,Japan,January 19-22,2020 林泓毅 Hung-Yi Lin
2019 劉均勵 C. L. Liu A comparative analysis into the travel-party composition and time duration of domestic tourism behavior across city scale. International Conference on TSHF, Osaka, Japan. 楊志文C. W. Yang
2019 宋玉寶 Y. B. Sung The Feasibility of Financial Freedom by Passive Investment- Taiwan 50 ETFs 14th European Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences 楊淑玲 Shu-Ling Yang
2019 賴昀琦 Y. Q. Lai Seat Assignment Optimization Based on Students' Preferences The 12th International Conference on Education, Teaching & Learning (ICE19France Conference) 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2019 周佩瑤 P. Y. Chou Optimization of Classroom Seating Arrangement Based on Social Relationships The 13th International Conference on Education, Teaching & Learning(ICE19Swiss Conference) 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2018 李浚洋 J. Y. Li Team Composition Optimization Considering Social Relationship The Seventeenth International Conference on Information and Management 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2017 劉均勵 C. L. Liu Airport catchment area analysis within a dual-airport system. International Conference on Business & Information, Japan. 楊志文 C. W. Yang
2017 黃筠婷 Y. T. Huang Peer and Social Learning Effects on share repurchases decision International Journal of Management and Applied Science 楊淑玲 Shu-Ling Yang
2017 嚴大益 D. Y. Yan Route Optimization for Travelling by Hiring a Car International Academic Multidisciplinary Research Conference 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2016 孫淑萍 S. P. Suen A three-phase Multi-objective Mechanism for Selecting Retail Stores to Close Mathematical Problems in Engineering 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2016 廖翊如 Y. R. Liao
林庭耀 T. Y. Lin
莊佳欣 C. H. Chuang
Shortening Picking Distance by Using Rank-Order Clustering and Genetic Algorithm for Distribution Centers Third European Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2016 劉均勵 C. L. Liu Airport catchment area analysis within a dual-airport system. International Conference on Business and Information 楊志文 C. W. Yang
2015 王筱君 H. C. Wang Modeling the Market Share of Route Distribution within A City-Pair Air Traveling. International Conference on Innovation and Management, Singapore. 楊志文 C. W. Yang
2015 曹秀秀 X. X. Cao Sports Facility Allocation Based on Preferences of Users The 6th International Conference on Applied Informatics and Computing Theory 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2015 馬娜偵 N.J. Ma
蘇涵慧 H. H. Su
Minimizing Carbon Emissions of Vehicle Routing for Cold Chain Industry The 14th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2015 楊思暐 S. W. Yang Hairdressers' Annual Turnover Prediction by Using Support Vector Machines The 14th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2015 馮曉玉 H. Y. Feng A Genetic Algorithm for Auditor Assignment Considering Social Preferences The 14th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2014 何亦羚 Y. L. Ho Investigating the Carbon-reducing Effects of Low-carbon Transportation for Recreation Area. The 2014 International Conference on Business and Information, Osaka, Japan. 楊志文 C. W. Yang
2014 楊喬竣 A model to jointly optimize the allocation of product images and the product prices for online stores. ICBASS 2014 陳彥匡
2014 王筱君 H. C. Wang Modeling the Market Share of Route Distribution within A City-Pair Air Traveling. International Conference on Innovation and Management 楊志文 C. W. Yang
2013 李學勛 S. S. Li
陳盈樺 Y. H. Chen
吳美慧 M. H. Wu
冷冠萱 K. H. Leng
王莘瑀 H. Y. Wang
Application of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm to Quotation of Global Garment Companies Procedia Computer Science[CPCI-S, EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2013 邱欣怡 S. Y. Chiu
詹凱婷 K. T. Chan
Picking Route Optimization for On-demand Delivery Service of Hypermarkets The Twelfth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2013 詹凱婷 K. T. Chan
邱欣怡 S. Y. Chiu
張雨婷 Y. T. Chang
馬娜偵 N. J. Ma
A Systematic Approach to Order Fulfillment of On-demand Delivery Service for Bento Industry Procedia Computer Science[CPCI-S, EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2012 陳彥亭 Y. T. Chen Grouping Partners for Cooperative Learning Using Genetic Algorithm and Social Network Analysis Procedia Engineering [EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2012 林慈涵 T. H. Lin A Novel Mechanism Using Genetic Algorithm for Selecting Class Officers Communications in Computer and Information Science [EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2012 李浚洋 J. Y. Li A Genetic Algorithm for Planning Travel Route with Mimimum Transportation Carbon Footprint Communications in Computer and Information Science [EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2012 孫淑萍 S. P. Suen On the Optimization of Auditor Assignment Communications in Computer and Information Science [EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2012 孫淑萍 S. P. Suen A Genetic Algorithm for Team Composition Optimization in a Physical Education Program Communications in Computer and Information Science [EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2011 賴妤函 Y. H. Lai Construction and Evaluation of a Robust Classification Model for Multi-objective Problems International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 林泓毅 Hung-Yi Lin
2010 孫淑萍 S. P. Suen Application of Genetic Algorithm on Tutoring Time Assignment Problem International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2010 李浚洋 Jyun-Yang Li Application of Genetic Algorithm on Low-Carbon Tourism Planning International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2010 李浚洋 J. Y. Li
林思瑜 S. Y. Lin
林憶婷 Y. T. Lin
Applicati of Genetic Algorithm on Low-Carbon Tourism Planning The International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2010 温琬婷 W. T. Wen
胡婷婷 T. T. Hu
孫淑萍 S. P. Suen
Application of Genetic Algorithm on Tutoring Time Assignment Problem The International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2010 褚華萱 H. H. Chu
孫淑萍 S. P. Suen
胡婷婷 T. T. Hu
温琬婷 W. T. Wen
韋司循 S. S. Wei
Allocation of Internships to University Students by Using Genetic Algorithm The Ninth International Conference on Information and Management Science 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2009 林慈涵 T. H. Lin
張天慧 T. H. Jhang
Employing Genetic Algorithm to the Solve the Selection Problem of Projects The Eighth International Conference on Information and Management Science 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2009 許芝榕 C. J. Hsu Application of Genetic Algorithm on the Arrangement of Staff Leave The Eighth International Conference on Information and Management Science 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2007 陳盈樺 Y. H. Chen
李學勛 S. S. Li
Using Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective Scheduling Problems in Production of Knit Fabrics Sixth International Conference on Information and Management Science 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2006 林欣嵐 H. L. Lin A New Binary Classifier: Clustering-Launched Classification Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence [SCIE, EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2006 陳盈樺 Y. H. Chen
林欣嵐 H. L. Lin
Predictive Model for Repeat Visitors to Sun Moon Lake The Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Science 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2006 李學勛 S. S. Li A GA-Based Automatic Quoting System for Global Garment Manufacture The Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Science 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2005 羅書婷 S. T. Luo Personalized Approach Based on SVM and ANN for Detecting Credit Card Fraud IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain [EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2005 羅書婷 S. T. Luo Personalized Approach Based on SVM and ANN for Detecting Credit Card Fraud IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain [EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2005 李學勛 S. S. Li A GA-Based Global Decision Support System for Garment Production IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain [EI] 陳榮昌 R. C. Chen
2005 杜舜欽 S. C. Du
胡月鳳 Y. F. Hu
林曉貝 S. B. Lin
李學勛 S. S. Li
Measuring Supply Chain Performance Based on SCOR: a Case Study of a Garment Company in Taiwan The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Business 陳榮昌 R. C. Ch



年度 學生姓名 論文名稱 期刊名稱 指導老師
2023 周佩瑤
導入多元運具組合於交通行動服務之方案設計與選擇模式 運輸學刊 楊志文
2021 余佳瑩 Jia-Ying Yu Implementation and Evaluation of Mobile Shopping Services Based on RFID Sensing Technology Sensors and Materials(SCIE) 劉彩霈
2019 蕭宇倫 Yu-Lun Hsiao 外部信評報告對P2P借貸平台是否具有資訊價值? 管理學報 楊淑玲
2018 劉詩涵 Liu, S.H A Dual-Path Communication Model for the Context of Mobile Apps International Journal of Mobile Communications 林心慧
2017 王筱君 Wang, H.C. A comparison of flight routes in a dual-airport region using overlapping error components and a cross-nested structure in GEV models Transportation Research 楊志文
2017 吳旻益 Wu, M.Y. Predicting Customer Lifetime Value for Hypermarket Private Label Products Journal of Business Economics and Management 林心慧
2016 何亦羚 Ho, Y.L. Assessing carbon reduction effects toward the mode shift of green transportation system. Journal of Advanced Transportation 楊志文
2016 廖珮含 Liao, P.H. Modeling the joint choice of access modes and flight routes with parallel structure and random heterogeneity. Transportation Research 楊志文
2016 葉千華Chien-Hua Yeh Joint optimization of inventory control and product placement on e-commerce websites using genetic algorithms Electronic Commerce Research 陳彥匡
2016 范怡玲 Fan, Yi-Ling Understanding multi-channel research shoppers: An analysis of Internet and physical channels Information Systems and e-Business Management 林心慧
2016 孫淑萍 S. P. Suen A three-phase Multi-objective Mechanism for Selecting Retail Stores to Close Mathematical Problems in Engineering 陳榮昌
2015 蔡佩珊 Pei-Shan Tsai A customer value analysis of Taiwan ice cream market: A means-end chain approach across consumption situations SpringerPlus 陳彥匡
2015 陳逸儒 Yi-Ju Chen Towards successful cloud ordering service Business System Research Journal 陳彥匡
2015 胡婷婷 T. T. Hu A decision-making mechanism considering carbon footprint and cost to fulfil orders for multi-site global companies International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 陳榮昌
2015 孫淑萍 S.P. Suen Enhancing Learning Performance Using Grouping Optimization Based on Social Relationships and Genetic Algorithm Asia Life Sciences 陳榮昌
2014 許均宴 Hsu, C.Y. Modeling joint airport and route choice behavior for international and metropolitan airports. Journal of Air Transport Management 楊志文
2014 楊喬竣 Ciao-Jyun Yang An optimization model for product placement on product listing pages Advances in Operational Research 陳彥匡
2014 葉千華 Chien-Hua Yeh Product image allocation and inventory control of online stores Kybernetes: The International Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Sciences 陳彥匡
2014 洪珮瑄 P.H. Hung Multiobjective Order Assignment Optimization in a Global Multiple-Factory Environment Mathematical Problems in Engineering 陳榮昌
2013 林佳宏
探討運具分群與旅客區隔之運具選擇模式 中國土木水利工程學刊 楊志文
2013 詹仕偉
探討數據整合之方案相似與數據尺度 運輸學刊 楊志文
2012 汪政億 Cheng-Yi Wang Consumer preferences for information on Taiwan's pork traceability system Information Technology Journal 陳彥匡
2012 張金英 Chang, J. A Construction of Consumer Cognitive Structures and their Implications in Furniture Shopping Decisions: A Means-End Chain Approach Service Business 林心慧
2012 徐鈺雯 Y.W. Hsu
葉亦湘 Y.H. Ye
黃潔雯 C.W.Huan
Prediction of Convenience Store Location Based on Support Vector Machines International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications 陳榮昌
2012 林孜瑩 T.Y. Lin A Novel Approach Based on Combined Sociometry and Genetic Algorithm for Auditor Assignment International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications 陳榮昌
2011 賴妤函 Yu-Han Lai Construction and Evaluation of a Robust Classification Model for Multi-objective Problems International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 林泓毅
2011 張立寬 Chang, L.K. Consumer Responses to Online Retailer’s Service Recovery after a Service Failure: A Perspective of Justice Theory Managing Service Quality 林心慧
2011 許芝榕 C.J. Hsu Allocation of Short-Term Jobs to Unemployed Citizens amid the Global Economic Downturn Using Genetic Algorithm Expert Systems with Applications 陳榮昌
2010 許芝榕 C.J. Hsu Finding an Optimal Combination of Key Training Items Using Genetic Algorithms and Support Vector Machines Information Technology Journal 陳榮昌
2009 陳亭存 T.T. Chen
范維倫 W.L. Fang
Assignment of External Off-the-job Training Courses to Employees Using Genetic Algorithm Information Technology Journal 陳榮昌
2008 曾琬婷 顧客觀點之線上旅遊系統成功模式:整合理性層級理論與心流理論 電子商務學報 林心慧