

林泓毅 Hung-Yi Lin

學歷 I
學術領域/專長 I
學界經歷 I
業界經歷 I
任教課程 I
期刊論文 I 研討會論文 I 研究計畫與產學
  • 2023,Heuristic Feature Selection with Classification Efficiency Using Soft Cluster Analysis for Biological Datasets,Journal of Information Science and Engineering,39(4), p. 939-961(SCI)
  • 2021,Feature clustering and feature discretization assisting gene selection for molecular classification using fuzzy c-means and expectation–maximization algorithm,Journal of Supercomputing,pp. 1-17(SCI)
  • 2018,Reduced gene subset selection based on discrimination power boosting for molecular classification,Knowledge-based Systems,vol. 142, pp.181-191(SCI)
  • 2016,Gene discretization based on EM clustering and adaptive sequential forward gene selection for molecular classification,Applied Soft Computing ,Vol. 48:pp. 683-690(SCI)
  • 2014,Gene Selection in Microarray Using Sequential Forward Selection Strategy,The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge,Vol. 20, Num. 1(無)
  • 2013,Feature Selection based on Cluster and Variability Analyses for Ordinal Multi-class Classification Problems,Knowledge-Based Systems ,Vol. 37, pp. 94-104(SCI)
  • 2012,Using Compressed Index Structures for Processing Moving Objects in Large Spatio-temporal Databases,Journal of Systems and Software,Volume: 85, Issue: 1, p. 167-177(SCI)
  • 2012,Efficient Classifiers for Large Multi-class Classification Problems,Decision Support Systems ,Volume: 53, p. 473-481(SCI)
  • 2011,High Index Compression without the Dependencies of Data Orders and Data Skewness for Spatial Databases,Journal of Information Science and Engineering,Vol. 27, No. 2(SCI)
  • 2011,Indexing the Fully Evolvement of Spatiotemporal Objects,WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications,(EI)
  • 2011,Construction and Evaluation of a Robust Classification Model for Multi-objective Problems,Intelligent Control and Innovative Computing, ,volume: 2188, issue: 1, 2011, pp 346-350(EI)
  • 2009,Enhancement of Data Aggregation Using A Novel Point Access Method,WSEAS Transactions on Computers,(SCI/EI)
  • 2009,Indexing the Trajectories of Moving Objects,IEANG International Journal of Computer Science,volume: 2174, issue: 1, pp 732-737(EI)
  • 2008,An Efficient and Compact Indexing Structure for Processing of Spatial Queries in Line-based Databases,Data & Knowledge Engineering,64(1), pp. 365-380(SCI)
  • 2008,Using B+-trees for Processing of Line Segments in Large Spatial Databases,Journal of Intelligent Information Systems,31, (1), pp 35-52(SCI)
  • 2007,A New Indexing Method with High Storage Utilization and Retrieval Efficiency for Large Spatial Databases,Information and Software Technology,49(8), pp. 817-826(SCI)
  • 2005,Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Shape Features Indexed by Compact R-trees,Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences,Vol.26, No.3, pp. 559-586(EI)
  • 2001,Optimizing storage utilization in R-tree dynamic index structure for spatial databases,Journal of Systems and Software,pp. 291-299(SCI)
  • Construction and Evaluation of a Robust Classification Model for Multi-objective Problems,IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications,香港
  • Using of High Efficient Classifier for Multi-Objective Classification Problems,the 21st International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2010),台灣-台南
  • Indexing and Querying in Multimedia Databases,the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2009),日本-京都
  • Join Mechanism for Streaming Time-weighted Data,the 2009 International Conference on Management and Information: Vision and Challenges in the 21st Century,台灣-台北
  • A Compact Index Structures with High Data Retrieval Efficiency,5th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSM’08),澳洲-墨爾本
  • High Indexing Compression for Spatial Databases,IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (IEEE CIT 2008),澳洲-雪梨
  • Buffer Management for XML DBMS,7th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences,中國-新疆
  • A Fair Transaction Model in Mobile Commerce,IEEE ISSPIT 2006 Conference,加拿大
  • Using Compressed B+-trees for Line-based Database Indexes,IEEE ISSPIT 2006 Conference,加拿大
  • Healing effect of Zen meditation practice on hypertension patients,Natonal seminar on 2 nd International Conference of ISAH and International Seminar on Chronic Diseases and its Management by Complementary and Alternative Medicine(CAM) organized by Dept of Medicinal Chemistry,Institute of Medical Science,Banaras Hindu University,印度-新德里
  • Optimizing Storage Utilization and Index Representation in KDB-tree Dynamic Index Structure for High Dimensional Database,Internet and Multimedia Systems,and Applications(IMSA2005),夏威夷-歐胡島
  • Perfect KDB-tree:A Compact KDB-tree Structure for Indexing Multidimensional Data,The 3 rd International Conference on Information Technology and Applications,ICITA’2005(IEEE),澳洲-雪梨
  • An Efficient and Robust Indexing Structure for Content-Based Image Retrieval in Trademark databases,The 8 th World Multi-Conference on Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics,美國-佛羅里達
  • An Efficient and Robust Index Structure for Spatial Line Objects,International ConferenceonInformatics,Cybernetics,and Systems,台灣-高雄
  • 2017,高效率效用之特徵屬性選擇方法:基於關聯性分析、交互性分析與屬性離散化提升微陣列資料分類效率,106-2221-E-025 -008 -
  • 2013,微陣列資料探勘應用於基因選取問題,NSC 102-2221-E-025-014-
  • 2012,多屬性資料集的特徵屬性選擇-利用群集分析與變化性分析,NSC 101-2221-E-025-012-
  • 2011,運用多變量分析於加速分類多目標問題之研究,NSC 100-2221-E-025 -015
  • 2010,運用高效能與高準確度決策樹於多元目標問題之研究,NSC 99-2221-E-025-012-
  • 2009,運用動態物件的行動管理技術於發展地籍資訊系統之研究,NSC 98-2221-E-025-008-
  • 2008,XML資料庫管理系統並行控制機制之研究,NSC 97-2221-E-025-007-
  • 2008,利用高效能索引結構建置整合型空間與時間資料庫及追蹤動態空間物件之研究,NSC 97-2221-E-025-014-
  • 2007,大型高維度資料庫的空間與時間效能改善方法,NSC 96-2221-E-025-013-
