期刊論文 I 研討會論文 I 研究計畫與產學 |
2019,Developing and Validating a Model for Assessing Paid Mobile Learning App Success,Interactive Learning Environments,(SSCI)
2019,Factors Affecting Users’ Continuance Intention of Mobile Social Network Service,Service Industries Journal,(SSCI)
2018,What Drives Users’ Intentions to Purchase a GPS Navigation App: The Moderating Role of Perceived Availability of a Free Substitute,Internet Research,(SSCI)
2018,Investigating Consumer Responses to Online Group Buying Service Failures: The Moderating Effects of Seller Offering Type,Internet Research,(SSCI)
2018,What Drives Internet Users’ Willingness to Provide Personal Information?,Online Information Review,(SSCI)
2018,Measuring Perceived Physiological Vulnerability to IT Use: An Initial Test in a Virtual Reality-based Learning Environment,Interactive Learning Environments,(SSCI)
2018,A Dual-Path Communication Model for the Context of Mobile Apps,International Journal of Mobile Communications,(SSCI)
2018,Investigating the Effect of Learning Method and Motivation on Learning Performance in a Business Simulation System Context: An Experimental Study,Computers & Education,(SSCI)
2017,The Measurement and Dimensionality of Mobile Learning Systems Success: Two-stage Development and Validation,Journal of Educational Computing Research,(SSCI)
2017,Predicting Customer Lifetime Value for Hypermarket Private Label Products,Journal of Business Economics and Management,(SSCI)
2015,The Effects of Price-Matching Guarantees on Consumer Response in an Online Retail Context: The Moderating Role of Consumer Search Costs,Journal of Service Theory and Practice ,accepted(SSCI)
2015,Permission-Based E-mail Marketing Websites Success: An Integrated Perspective,Journal of Global Information Management,23(2), 1-24(SSCI)
2014,What Drives Students’ Knowledge Withholding Intention in Management Education? An Empirical Study in Taiwan,Academy of Management Learning and Education,13(4), 547–568(SSCI)
2014,The measurement and dimensionality of e-learning blog satisfaction: Two-stage development and validation,Internet Research,24(5), 546-565(SSCI)
2012,Investigating the Individual Difference Antecedents of Perceived Enjoyment in Students’ Use of Blogging,British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1), 139-152(SSCI)
2012,Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations for Physical Game Systems Use Behavior,International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, available online(SSCI)
2012,The Effect of Multi-channel Service Quality on Mobile Customer Loyalty in an Online-and-mobile Retail Context,Service Industries Journal, published online(SSCI)
2012,A Construction of Consumer Cognitive Structures and their Implications in Furniture Shopping Decisions: A Means-End Chain Approach,Service Business, published online(SSCI)
2011,The Relationship of Service Failure Severity, Service Recovery Justice and Perceived Switching Costs with Customer Loyalty in the Context of E-Tailing,International Journal of Information Management, 31(4), 350-359(SSCI)
2011,Consumer Responses to Online Retailer’s Service Recovery after a Service Failure: A Perspective of Justice Theory,Managing Service Quality, 21(5), 511-534(SSCI)
2011,Gender Differences in the Linkage of Online Patronage Behavior with TV-and-online Shopping Values,Service Business, 5(4), 295-312(SSCI)
2009,Developing an Instrument for Measuring Buyer Perceived Value toward Auction Websites,Global Business & Economics Anthology, 2,72-78(無)
2008,顧客觀點之線上旅遊系統成功模式:整合理性層級理論與心流理論,電子商務學報,第10卷,第3期,689-714 (TSSCI)(無)
2006,An Examination of the Determinants of Customer Loyalty in Mobile Commerce Contexts,Information & Management,43(3), 271-282(SSCI)
2006,Predicting Consumer Intention to Use Mobile Service,Information Systems Journal, 16(2), 157-179(SSCI)
2005,Toward an Understanding of the Behavioral Intention to Use Mobie Banking,Computers in Human Behavior,21(6), 873-891(SSCI)
2003,A Customer Loyalty Model for E-service Context,Journal of Electronic Commerce Research(JECR),Vol.45, No.5(其他)
2003,Determinants of User Acceptance of Internet Banking: An Empirical Study,International Journal of Sevvice Industry Management,(SSCI)
- A Customer Relationship Model for the Context of Permission-based Electronic Marketing(本文獲頒最佳論文獎),第九屆國際健康資訊管理研討會,東海大學
- 行動服務APP之行銷溝通效果:推敲可能性模式與廣告態度中介,TBI 2014 台灣商管與資訊研討會,國立臺北護理健康大學
- 群眾外包之個人創新績效模式-BIG5人格特質觀點,TBI 2014 台灣商管與資訊研討會,國立臺北護理健康大學
- 從消費者角色觀點探討合購網站服務失誤之顧客反應模式,第25 屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,中興大學
- 騰雲駕霧-雲端運算服務之創新商業模式,第24 屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,臺灣-臺北(真理大學)
- A Customer Equity Management Model for Private Brands: Store Equity Diffusion and the Moderating Effects of Image Fit,2013 IEDRC DUBAI CONFERENCES,Dubai, UAE
- 運用推拉理論探討情境感知應用服務之消費者行為模式,臺灣商管與資訊研討會,臺灣-臺北(臺北商業技術學院
- 零售商店顧客經驗管理:商店環境、購物動機之觀點,臺灣商管與資訊研討會,臺灣 -臺北(臺北商業技術學院)
- Investigating the Effect of University Students’ Personality Traits on Knowledge Withholding Intention: A Multi-theory Perspective,2012 International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology (ICKET 2012),Paris, France
- Understanding Research-Shoppers’ Channel Perception and Attitude: A Comparative Analysis of Online and Retail Channels,2012 International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC),Singapore
- A Model of Customer Relationship Management for the Context of Permission-based E-Mail Marketing,The IADIS e-Commerce 2011 Conference,Rome, Italy
- 多通路購物者市場區隔:購物導向觀點,第六屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會,臺灣-臺中(臺中技術學院)
- 多通路購物者搜尋—購買行為:模式建構與比較性研究,第六屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會,臺灣-臺中(臺中技術學院)
- 以方法目的鏈探討綠色產品行銷策略,第六屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會,臺灣-臺中(臺中技術學院)
- The Effect of TV and Online Shopping Value on Online Patronage Intention in a Multi-channel Retail Context,International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ICIKM 2010),Bali, Indonesia
- 多通路環境下之通路選擇因素與通路鎖定-跨通路綜效,第二十一屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM),臺灣-臺南(成功大學)
- Investigating the Individual Difference Antecedents of Perceived Enjoyment in the Acceptance of Blogging,The 21st International Conference on Information Management(ICIM),臺灣-臺南(National Cheng Kung University)
- 建構以顧客價值為基礎之零售策略-方法目的鏈之應用」,2009 資訊管理與數位內容研討會,2009 資訊管理與數位內容研討會,臺灣-彰化(彰化師範大學)
- 許可式電子郵件行銷之顧客關係管理-競爭模式比較,2009 資訊管理與數位內容研討會,臺灣-彰化(彰化師範大學)
- 部落格置入性廣告型態、品牌知名度、產品涉入對溝通效果之影響:一個實驗設計,2009 資訊管理與數位內容研討會,臺灣-彰化(彰化師範大學)
- 網路零售商服務失誤與服務補救之顧客關係管理策略-以公平理論為基礎,第二十屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM),臺灣-臺北(世新大學)
- 建構消費者紙本型錄與電子型錄之通路選擇行為預測模式,2009服務業行銷研討會,臺灣-臺中(中興大學)
- 傳統與電子折價劵價格促銷之溝通效果:媒體型態、消費者動機之干擾,2008全球服務科學管理理論與實務學術研討會,臺灣-彰化(彰化師範大學)
- Factors Affecting Citizens’ Use of Information Kiosk: An Empirical Study,Academy of Marketing Annual Conference,Aberdeen, Scotland
- 以即時通訊為傳播器之病毒式行銷策略:擴充的關係行銷模型應用,第十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM),臺灣-南投(國立暨南國際大學)
- 以UTAUT為基礎之消費者電子折價券使用行為之預測模式:直接與干擾效果,第十八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM),臺灣-臺北
- 線上拍賣網站價值衡量工具-買方知覺觀點,中部八所大學聯合舉辦2006全球管理新環境國際學術研討會,臺灣-彰化
- 行動簡訊廣告之行銷溝通效果研究,中部八所大學聯合舉辦2006全球管理新環境國際學術研討會,臺灣-彰化
- 建構顧客觀點之線上旅遊系統成功評估模式,2006電子商務與數位生活研討會,臺灣-臺北
- 網路與傳統媒體行銷溝通效果之比較與綜效,2006電子商務與數位生活研討會,臺灣-臺北
- Predicting Consumer Intention to Use Mobile Commerce in Taiwan,The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Business,澳洲-雪梨
- An Ecamination of the Determinants of Customer Loyalty in Mobile Commerce Contexts,第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,臺灣-臺北縣
- 行動商務系統成功模式之發展與建構-DeLone&McLean與Seddon模式之應用,中國工業工程學會九十三年度年會暨學術研討會,臺灣-台南
- 影音新聞網站資訊品質之評估準則─使用者觀點,第一屆服務業管理與創新學術研討會,臺灣-澎湖
- 建構行動商務之成功模式─DeLone & McLean與Seddon模式之比較與再擴充,第二屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會,臺灣-臺中
- An E-Loyalty Model for Online Shopping Context,The Fifth Conference on Management Theory and Practice of Electronic Business
- 網路經濟環境之網站品牌全亦評估模式─顧客基礎觀點,第一屆新世紀優質企業理念與價值創造研討會,臺灣-臺北
- 企業之商業網站廣告效果評估模式─媒體互動性與體驗價值觀點,2003年企業管理學術研討會暨2003年電子商務經營管理研討會-聯合研討會,臺灣-臺中(逢甲大學)
- 從網站權益與體驗模型探討網路消費者衝定性購買意圖,2003年企業管理學術研討會暨2003年電子商務經營管理研討會-聯合研討會,臺灣-臺中(逢甲大學)
- 運用創新擴散理論探討B2B電子化採購系統之採用決策,產學合作產業電子化研討會,臺灣-臺北
- What Drives Students’Behavioral Intention to Use Virtual Reality-based Learning Systems,2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary issues in Economics, Business and Social Sciences,東京
- 旅遊業顧客旅程地圖之建構與設計,第二十屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會,大葉大學
- 建構C-B品牌網路社群認同行為模式—以品牌,第二十屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會,大葉大學
- 微型電商之服飾品牌說故事行銷,第十九屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會,大葉大學
- OTC藥品產業市場競爭策略與診斷,第十九屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會,大葉大學
- International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science,International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Science,美國
- International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences Research and Management,International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences Research and Management,新加坡
- The 7th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation,The 7th International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Innovation,泰國曼谷
- The 6th International Conference on Developments in Engineering Technology,The 6th International Conference on Developments in Engineering Technology,泰國曼谷
- What Drives Students’ Behavioral Intention to Use Virtual Reality-based Learning Systems,2nd International Conference on Humanities, Education, Business & Social Sciences,曼谷
- 科技部人文司資訊教育學門專題研究計畫成果討論會,科技部人文司,新竹
- 「新」零售走向「心」零售之顧客體驗旅程地圖之建構與服務策略」,2020「第21屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會」,大葉大學
- The International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Bioeconomy (ICMPB) & The 1st Sino-CPLP Symposium on Natural Products and Biodiversity Resources (SNPBR),The International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Bioeconomy (ICMPB) & The 1st Sino-CPLP Symposium on Natural Products and Biodiversity Resources(SNPBR),中國澳門
- 2019,大學商管學生行動商務創業教育與創業行為模式之研究,108- -H-018 - -
- 2019,運用說服知識模式與敘事傳輸理論發展一個微電子商務品牌策略之架構,108-2745-8-025 -001 -
- 2018,線上最低價保證策略下顧客購買後價格蒐尋行為之硏究,107-2410-H-025 -005 -
- 2018,知覺生理易受資訊科技傷害量表之發展、驗證與應用,107-2511-H-025 -002 -
- 2017,Shinjeng Lin,106 -2912-I-025 -501 -
- 2014,OTC藥品產業市場競爭策略之診斷與規劃-差異化優勢、成功關鍵因素、品牌定位、多通路策略,103-2622-H-025 -001 -CC3
- 2014,線上零售商買貴退差價保證對消費者反應的影響效果:消費者蒐尋成本的調節變數角色,103-2410-H-025 -020
- 2013,探討研究型購物者之通路知覺與態度:網路與實體零售通路之比較研究,NSC 102-2918-I-025-001(補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究)
- 2012,建構一個許可式電子關係行銷模式,NSC 101-2410-H-025-013-MY2
- 2012,大學商管學群學生行動學習準備度與成效評估模式之發展與驗證,NSC 101-2511-S-025-001-MY2
- 2011,網路與行動多通路零售之服務品質管理,NSC 100-2410-H-025-004
- 2011,探討大學商管學群學生人格特質對於知識藏私意向之影響:多重理論之觀點,NSC 100-2511-S-025-001
- 2007,電視、平面、與網路廣告媒體之行銷溝通效果及其綜效之比較研究,NSC 96-2416-H-025-002-MY2
- 2006,整合理性與非理性構念之行動商務顧客忠誠模式,NSC 95-2416-H-025-005
- 2005,行動商務成功模式之建構與驗證-資訊系統成功模式之整合與再擴充,NSC 94-2416-H-025-006
- 2004,網路經濟環境之網站品牌權益衡量模式--顧客基礎觀點,NSC 93-2416-H-025-009