

陳彥匡 Yan-Kwang Chen

學歷 I
學術領域/專長 I
  學界經歷 I
業界經歷 I
任教課程 I
期刊論文 I 研討會論文 I 研究計畫與產學
  • 2020,Teaching–Learning Based Optimization (TLBO) with Variable Neighborhood Search to Retail Shelf-Space Allocation,Mathematics,8,1296-(SCI)
  • 2019, A discrete teaching learning based optimization (TLBO) approach for e-commerce product image placing and inventory planning,International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Service,forthcoming(EI)
  • 2019,Implementing green supply chain management for online pharmacies through a VADD inventory model,International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health,16(22), 4454 (SSCI)
  • 2018,Managing service performance based on multidimensional and categorical satisfaction data.,International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics,9(1), 1-13(EI)
  • 2018, An integrated model for online product placement and inventory control problem in a drop-shipping optional environment, Computers & Industrial Engineering,64, 302-308.(SCI)
  • 2017,Applying the bootstrap method to newsvendor model incorporating group buying for optimal price discounts and order quantities,The International Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Sciences,46(10), 1692-1705(SCI)
  • 2016,Joint optimization of inventory control and product placement on e-commerce websites using genetic algorithms,Electronic Commerce Research,16(4), 479-502(SSCI)
  • 2015,A customer value analysis of Taiwan Ice Cream Market: A means-end chain approach across consumption situations,SpringerPlus ,4, 759-775. (SCI)
  • 2014,Product Image Allocation and Inventory Control of Online Stores.,Kybernets: The International Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Sciences ,43(7), 968-983(SCI)
  • 2013,Cumulative Conformance Count Charts with Variable Sampling Intervals for Correlated Samples,Computers & Industrial Engineering ,64, 302-308.(SCI)
  • 2013,Economic Design of VSI Control Charts for Cumulative Count of Conforming Samples.,The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering ,24(2), 88-101.(SCI)
  • 2011,Cumulative Conformance Count Chart with Variable Sampling Intervals and Control Limits,Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,27(4), 410-420(SCI)
  • 2010,Neuro-Genetic Approach to Optimize Parameter Design of Dynamic Multiresponse Experiments,Applied Soft Computing,11(1), 436-442(SCI)
  • 2009,Application of Neural Networks and Kano's Method to Content Recommendation in Web Personalization,Expert Systems With Applications ,36, 5310-5316(SCI)
  • 2008,Economic Design of Variable Parameters X Control Charts for Processes with Fuzzy Mean Shifts.,Journal of Operations Research Society,in press(SSCI)
  • 2008,Optimization Design of Control Charts based on Minimax Decision Criterion and Fuzzy Process Shifts,Expert Systems With Applications,in press(SCI)
  • 2007,Hotelling’s T² Charts with Variable Sample Size and Control Limit,European Journal of Operational Research,182, 1251-1262. (SCI)
  • 2007,Economic Design of the VSSI Control Charts for Correlated Data.,International Journal of Production Economics,107 (2), 528-539.(SCI)
  • 2007,Economic Design of an Adaptive -T² Control Chart,Journal of the Operational Research Society,58, 337-345.(SSCI)
  • 2007,The Study of Applying a Systematic Procedure Based on SOFM Clustering Technique into Organism Clustering,Expert Systems With Applications,33 (2), 330-336.(SCI)
  • 2007,Bootstrap Confidence Interval Estimates of the Bullwhip Effect.,Simulation Modelling Practice & Theory,Vol.11, No.5(SCI)
  • 2007,Dynamic Parameter Design by Ant Colony Optimization and Neural Networks.,Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 24 (3), 333-351. (SCI)
  • 2007,Adaptive Sampling Enhancements for Hotelling’s T2 Charts.,European Journal of Operational Research,178, 841-857. (SCI)
  • 2005,Optimal Design of VSI Control Charts for Monitoring Correlated Sample,Quality Reliability Engineering International,21(8), 757-768.(SCI)
  • 2004,Multi-Criteria Design of Control Chart,Computers Industrial Engineering,46, 877-891.(SCI)
  • 2004,Economic Design of Control Charts Non-normal Data using Variable Sampling Policy,International Journal of Production Economic,92, 61-74.(SCI)
  • 2003,Optimal Payment for Retailer’s Inventory System,International Journal of Systems Science,34(4), 245-253.(SCI)
  • 2003,An Investigation on Selection of Simplified Aggregate Production Planning Strategies using MADM Approaches,International Journal of Production Research,41(14), 3359-3374(SCI)
  • 供應鏈中影響資訊分享價值的因子,第四屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會 ,台灣-台中
  • The Economic Design of Variable Sampling Interval X-bar Control Charts When There is a Fuzzy Shift Amount in the Process,The 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory,Applications and practice,日本-名古屋
  • A DSAS-Based Minimum Makespan Models for Multi-location Investment Using Fractional Programming,5th International Conference on Computational Intelligent in Economics and Finance(CIEF) in conjunction with 9th Joint Conference on Information Sciences(JCIS),台灣-高雄
  • A Study of Factors in the Bullwhip Effect,36th ICC&IE Conference,台灣-台北
  • Economic-Statistical Design of X-bar Control Charts when the Magnitudes of Process Shifts Indistinct,36th ICC&IE Conference,台灣-台北
  • 長鞭效應的影響因子之探討,第三屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會,台灣-台中
  • Adaptive Sampling Enhancement for Hotelling`s T2 Charts,International Conference in management Sciences and Decision Making,台灣-台北
  • 植基於專案推移理論之電腦主系統維護人力排程問題並應用基因遺傳演算法求解,第九屆科技整合管理研討會,台灣-台北
  • 專案推移理論-Part II:進一步論述,第一屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2004科技與管理學術研討會,台灣-台北
  • 應用品質機能展開及資料探勘技術於國際觀光旅館之顧客關係管理,第三屆觀光休閒暨餐旅產業永續經營學術研討會,台灣-高雄
  • Multi-criteria design of an X control chartOriginal, The 29th.International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering,Montreal, Canada
  • 2020,應用X/T管制圖與等候理論於服務設施維護策略之研究,109-2221-E-025 -005 -
  • 2019,餐飲O2O營銷之合作廣告策略,108-2221-E-025 -004 -
  • 2015,線上購物網站商品圖片配置、商品供應策略及商品類別之研究 (II),104-2221-E-025-004-
  • 2014,線上購物網站商品圖片配置、商品供應策略及商品類別之研究(I),103-2221-E-025-002-
  • 2013,FY103中台灣服務設計與應用體驗發展計畫(1/4)- 服務業幸福服務主題設計與推動規劃,103資中約字第0896號
  • 2013,網路商店商品圖片配置與商品補貨機制整合之最佳化模式,102-2221-E-025-007-
  • 2012,應用變動抽樣時距GC3管制圖於高產出製程監控之研究(I),101-2221-E-025-004-
  • 2011,適應性累積計數和管制圖之最佳化設計,100-2221-E-025-002-
  • 2010,考慮檢驗批量可變動的累積計數管制圖之研究(I),99-2221-E-025-006-
  • 2010,累積計數和管制圖變動抽樣時距的最佳化設計,98-2221-E-025-002-
  • 2008,結合變動抽樣時距與變動管制界限的累積計數和管制圖--奈米製程產品不合格率的管制(I),97-2221-E-025-006-
  • 2007,中位數等級轉換管制圖之探究(I),96-2221-E-025-003-
  • 2006,具變動樣本數與管制邊界的T2管制圖之探究,95-2221-E-025-010-
  • 2005,適應性T2管制圖之經濟最佳化設計,94-2213-E-025-011-
  • 2004,非常態分配下X-bar管制圖變動抽樣時距與變動樣本數的最佳化設計,93-2213-E-275-002-
  • 2003,適應性多維管制圖之先期研究,92-2213-E-275-003-
  • 2002,模糊邏輯於X-bar管制圖抽樣時距設計之研究,91-2213-E-275-003-
  • 2001,考慮多生產目標的集體生產規劃策略評估系統,90-2218-E-275-001-
  • 2001,應用資料包絡法於營建業工業安全與衛生策略績效評估,90-2218-E-275-004