

張宏吉 Hung-Chi Chang

學歷 I
學術領域/專長 I
  學界經歷 I
任教課程 I
期刊論文 I 研討會論文 I 研究計畫與產學
  • 2014,An analysis of production-inventory models with deteriorating items in a two echelon supply chain,Applied Mathematical Modelling,38(3), pp.1187-1191(SCI)
  • 2013,A note on an economic lot size model for price-dependent demand under quantity and freight discounts,International Journal of Production Economics,144 (1), 175-179(SCI)
  • 2013,An economic production quantity model with consolidating shipments of imperfect quality items: A note,International Journal of Production Economics,144 (2), 507-509(SCI)
  • 2012,Determining replenishment lot size and shipment policy in an EPQ model with quality assurance: An alternative approach and analysis,International Journal of Information and Management Sciences,23 (3), 323-332(EI)
  • 2011,A note on solving the EOQ model with imperfect quality subject to in-house inspection,IMA Journal of Management Mathematics,Vol.22, pp.301-306(SCI)
  • 2011,A note on an economic order quantity model and taguchi’s cost of poor quality,Applied Mathematical Modelling,Vol.35, pp.981-983(SCI)
  • 2011,A comprehensive note on: an economic order quantity with imperfect quality and quantity discounts,Applied Mathematical Modelling,Vol.35, pp.5280-5216(SCI)
  • 2010,Exact closed-form solutions for “optimal inventory model for items with imperfect quality and shortage backordering”,OMEGA, The International Journal of Management Sciences,Vol.38, pp.233-237(SSCI)
  • 2009,The optimal pricing and ordering policy for an integrated inventory model when trade credit linked to order quantity,Applied Mathematical Modelling,Vol.33, pp.2978-2991(SCI)
  • 2006,Integrated Vendor-Buyer Cooperative Inventory Models with Controllable Leaf Time and Ordering Cost Reduction,European Journal of Operational Research,Vol.170(SCI)
  • 2006,Fuzzy Mixture Inventory Model Involving Fuzzy Random Variable Lead Time Demand and Fuzzy Total Demand,European Journal of Operational Research,Vol.169(SCI)
  • 2004,An Application of Fuzzy Sets Theory on the EOQ model with imperfect quality items,Computers & Operations Research,Vol.31(SCI)
  • Analysis on determining replenishment lot size and shipment policy in an EPQ model with delivery and quality assurance issues,International Conference of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute,Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • On economic lot sizes with quantity and freight discounts: the mixed discount cases,The 2011 International Conference on Management and Service Science,研討會地點: Wuhan, China
  • Effects of transportation cost on vendor-buyer integrated inventory policy under demand uncertainty,2009 Global Business & International Management Conference,Seattle, USA
  • A study of ordering cost reduction on EOQ model under permissible delay in payments,第一屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會,台灣-台中
  • 2017,第三方協調者管理需求不確定供應鏈之研究,MOST-106-2410-H-025-022
  • 2016,分析品質水準可控制之買賣整合生產存貨模式,計畫編號: MOST-105-2410-H-025-014
  • 2014,二階供應鏈存貨模式之求解問題研究,MOST-103-2410-H-025-021
  • 2013,含不良品分解運送或合併運送之經濟生產批量模式:擇優決策法則,MOST-102-2410-H-025-016
  • 2012, 同時協調訂購量與再訂購點之二階供應鏈模式效益分析,NSC 101-2410-H-025-007
  • 2011,含原物料訂購及隨機性產出的買賣整合生產存貨模式,NSC-100-2410-H-025-007
  • 2010,含數量折扣與運費折扣之經濟批量決策:回顧與修訂,NSC 99-2410-H-025-009
  • 2008,含運輸成本之隨機需求整合存貨模式,NSC 97-2410-H-025-008
  • 2007,需求受價格與行銷費用影響之買賣整合存貨模式,NSC 96-2416-H-025-003
  • 2006,儲存成本可縮減的買賣整合存貨模式,NSC 95-2416-H-025-006
  • 2005,信用交易與訂購數量有關之買賣整合存貨模式,NSC 94-2416-H-025-001
  • 2004,降低訂購成本與改善品質水準之隨機性需求整合型存貨模式,NSC 93-2416-H-025-001
  • 2003,品質、批量、設置時間與前置時間相互影響下之(Q, r)存貨策略與縮減設置成本投資策略研究,NSC 92-2416-H-025-001
  • 2002,允許延遲付款及可調降訂購成本之退化性產品存貨模式,NSC 91-2416-H-025-001
  • 2001,資金機會成本模糊化的投資縮減設置成本EOQ存貨模型,NSC 90-2416-H-025-004
  • 2000,在含服務水準限制式之機率性存貨模型中縮減設置成本與前置時間,NSC 89-2416-H-025-005