黃國華 Travis K. Huang

學歷 I
國立彰化師範大學商業教育系資訊管理組 碩士
國立政治大學資訊管理學系 學士
學術領域/專長 I
元宇宙議題、系統分析與設計 、知識管理、數位行銷與社群行銷、數位學習 
  學界經歷 I
業界經歷 I
任教課程 I
期刊論文 I 研討會論文 I 研究計畫與產學
  • Kuan-Yu Lin, Travis K. Huang (2024). Shopping in the digital world: How augmented reality mobile applications trigger customer engagement, Technology in Society, 77, 102540. (IF=10.1)(Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary: 2/263)(SSCI)
  • Travis K. Huang, Yi-Ting Wang, Kuan-Yu Lin (2022). Enhancing brand loyalty through online brand communities: The role of community benefits, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 31 (5), 823-838. (IF=5.248)(Management: 99/228)(SSCI)
  • Kuan-Yu Lin, Yi-Ting Wang, Travis K. Huang (2020). Exploring the antecedents of mobile payment service usage: Perspectives based on cost–benefit theory, perceived value, and social influences, Online Information Review, 44 (1), 299-318. (IF=2.901) (Information Science & Library Science: 38/84) (SSCI, SCIE)
  • Travis K. Huang (2018). How to lessen the effects of user resistance on the adoption of an e-learning environment: Screenshot annotation on Flickr, Interactive Learning Environments, 26 (4), 506-524. (IF=4.965) (Education & Education Research: 26/270)(SSCI)
  • Travis K. Huang (2015). Exploring the antecedents of screenshot-based interactions in the context of advanced computer software learning, Computers & Education, 80 (0), 95-107. (IF=11.182) (Education & Education Research: 2/270) (SSCI, SCIE)
  • Eugenia Y. Huang, Travis K. Huang (2013). Exploring the effect of boundary objects on knowledge interaction, Decision Support Systems, 56 (0), 140-147. (IF=5.795) (IF=6.969) (Computer Science, Information Systems: 24/164) (SCIE)
  • Eugenia Y. Huang, Travis K. Huang (2012). Investigating the antecedents of users’ knowledge sharing intention, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 53 (2), 93-102. (IF=3.317) (Computer Science, Information Systems: 83/164) (SCIE)
  • Eugenia Y. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, Travis K. Huang (2012). What type of learning style leads to online participation in the mixed-mode e-learning environment? A study of software usage instruction, Computers & Education, 58 (1), 338-349. (IF=11.182) (Education & Education Research: 2/270) (SSCI, SCIE)
  • Travis K. Huang, Fong-Ling Fu (2009). Understanding user interface needs of e-commerce web sites, Behaviour & Information Technology, 28 (5), 461-469. (IF=3.320) (Computer Science, Cybernetics: 11/24) (SSCI, SCIE)

  • Travis K. Huang, Yi-Ting Wang, Sheng-Wei Lin, Kuan-Yu Lin (2025). Effective Japanese Language Acquisition through LINE Groups: A Self-Regulated learning perspective, The 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 58), Big island, USA.
  • Travis K. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, Kuan-Yu Lin, Yi-Ting Wang (2024). How does customer online behavior influence community satisfaction? The 15th International Conference of Organizational Innovation (ICOI 2024), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  • Yi-Ting Wang, Kuan-Yu Lin, Travis K. Huang (2024). Empowering learners through AR-based learning apps: A study on users' continuance intention and learning outcomes, The 15th International Conference of Organizational Innovation (ICOI 2024), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  • Travis K. Huang, Kuan-Yu Lin, Yi-Ting Wang, Yung-Hao Liao (2023). An Enhanced Screenshot Interaction with Animated Stickers to Promote Learning Transfer, The 56st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 56), Maui, USA.
  • Travis K. Huang, Kuan-Yu Lin, Yi-Ting Wang, Chunta Chen (2022). Promoting Customers’ Augmented Reality Immersion in Restaurants, The 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 28), Minneapolis, USA.
  • Yi-Ting Wang, Kuan-Yu Lin, Travis K. Huang (2021). An analysis of learners’ intentions toward virtual reality online learning systems: a case study in Taiwan, The 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 54), Kauai, USA.
  • Yi-Ting Wang, Travis K. Huang, Kuan-Yu Lin (2020). Why people adopt VR English language learning systems: An extended perspective of task-technology fit, The 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 53), Maui, USA.
  • Kuan-Yu Lin, Travis K. Huang, Yi-Ting Wang, Yung-Hao Liao (2020). Understanding the antecedents of consumer brand engagement by managing brand communities on social media, The 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 53), Maui, USA.
  • Travis K. Huang, Ernie Liao (2020). A collaborative learning mechanism to promote learning transfer using the Groups Photo Pool on Flickr, International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2020 Winter), Sapporo, Japan.
  • Yi-Ting Wang, Kuan-Yu Lin, Travis K. Huang (2019). Exploring the Antecedents of Mobile Application Usage in the Context of English Learning, The 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 52), Maui, USA.
  • Kuan-Yu Lin, Yi-Ting Wang, Travis K. Huang (2018). What Drives Continued Intention for Mobile Payment? — An Expectation Cost Benefit Theory with Habit, The 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 51), Big island, USA.
  • Travis K. Huang, Chun-Yung Liao, Yi-Ting Wang, Kuan-Yu Lin (2018). How does social media interactivity affect brand loyalty, The 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 51), Big island, USA.
  • Travis K. Huang, Eugenia Y. Huang (2017). Does Applying Screenshot Annotations Enhance Learning Effectiveness? The Moderating Role of Course Difficulty, The 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 50), Big island, USA.
  • Travis K. Huang, Sheng-Wei Lin, Louis Yi-Shih Lo (2016). Understanding the Effect of Flickr’s Screenshot Annotations on Learning Effectiveness, The 47th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Austin, USA.
  • Sheng-Wei Lin, Louis Yi-Shih Lo, Travis K. Huang (2016). Visual complexity and figure-background color contrast of E-commerce websites: Effects on consumers’ emotional responses, The 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 49), Kauai, USA.
  • Travis K. Huang (2015). The role of user resistance in the adoption of screenshot annotation for computer software learning, The 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 48), Kauai, USA.
  • Eugenia Y. Huang, Travis K. Huang, Yu-Ju Lin (2014). Identifying subtasks of m-Commerce website through scenario-based design, The 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 20), Savannah , USA.
  • Travis K. Huang (2014). Investigating user acceptance of a screenshot-based interaction system in the context of advanced computer software learning, The 47th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 47), Waikoloa, USA.
  • Eugenia Y. Huang, Travis K. Huang (2013). Measuring boundary objects in an attempt to explain innovativeness, The 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 46), Wailea, Hawaii , USA.
  • Eugenia Y. Huang, Travis K. Huang (2012). Understanding the effect of innovative climate and interaction involvement on user intention to share knowledge, The 45th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 45), Wailea, Hawaii, USA.
  • Eugenia Y. Huang, Travis K. Huang (2011). Antecedents and outcomes of boundary objects in knowledge interaction in the context of software systems analysis, The 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 44), Kauai, Hawaii , USA.
  • Eugenia Y. Huang, Sheng Wei Lin, Travis K. Huang (2010). Does online participation mediate the effect of learning style on learning performance, The 41st Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, USA. (Distinguished Paper Award)
  • Travis K. Huang, Eugenia Y. Huang (2009). A Max-Min Approach to the Output Evaluation of Knowledge Interaction, The 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 42), Big island, USA.

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