陳榮昌 Rong-Chang Chen

行政院勞動部勞動力發展署TTQS(Taiwan Talent Quality-management System)評核委員
ISO 9000管理代表、品保部經理、董事長特別助理(經營企劃)、研發專案經理
期刊論文 I 研討會論文 I 研究計畫與產學
  • 2023,Heuristic Feature Selection with Classification Efficiency Using Soft Cluster Analysis for Biological Datasets,Journal of Information Science and Engineering,Vol. 30, NO. 4, pp. 951-973(SCI/EI)
  • 2021,A High Fidelity Authentication Scheme for AMBTC Compressed Image Using Reference Table Encoding,Mathematics,Vol. 9, No. 20, Paper ID 2610, pp. 1- 18.(SCI)
  • 2020,An Efficient Two-Stage Method for Solving the Order Picking Problem,Journal of Supercomputing,Vol. 76, pp. 6258–6279(SCI/EI)
  • 2019,Exploring the intellectual structure of cloud patents using non-exhaustive overlaps,Scientometrics,Vol. 121, Issue 2, pp 739–769(SSCI)
  • 2017,Synergy of Genetic Algorithm with Extensive Neighborhood Search for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Vol. 2017, Article ID. 3630869(SCI/EI)
  • 2016,An Efficient Reversible Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Technology over Data Streams,SpringerPlus,Vol. 5, pp. 1406-1416(SCI)
  • 2016,A Three-phase Multi-objective Mechanism for Selecting Retail Stores to Close,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volume 2016, pp. 1-12(SCI/EI)
  • 2015,A Decision-Making Mechanism Considering Carbon Footprint and Cost to Fulfil Orders for Multi-site Global Companies,International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics ,Vol. 7, No.3, pp. 295-318(SSCI)
  • 2014,Multi-objective Order Assignment Optimization in a Global Multiple-Factory Environment,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,(SCI/EI)
  • 2013,A New Approach for Grouping Management in a Physical Education Program,Advanced Science Letters,(無)
  • 2013,Planning Travel Route with Minimum Transportation Carbon Footprint and Maximum Satisfaction,Advanced Science Letters,(無)
  • 2013,Application of Sociometry and Genetic Algorithm to Selection of Class Officers,Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal,Vol.16, No.2(A), pp.1233-1242(無)
  • 2013,Associating Stock Prices with Web Financial Information Time Series Based on Support Vector Regression,Neurocomputing,(SCI/EI)
  • 2013,Fast Pruning Superfluous Support Vectors in SVMs,Pattern Recognition Letters,Vol. 34, pp. 1203–1209(SCI/EI)
  • 2012,A Genetic Algorithm for Team Composition Optimization in a Physical Education Program,Communications in Computer and Information Science,Vol. 268, pp. 51-56(EI)
  • 2012,Grouping Optimization Based on Social Relationships,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volume 2012, Article ID 170563(SCI/EI)
  • 2012,A Genetic Algorithm for Planning Travel Route with Mimimum Transportation Carbon Footprint,Communications in Computer and Information Science,Vol. 268, pp. 57-63(EI)
  • 2012,A Novel Mechanism Using Genetic Algorithm for Selecting Class Officers,Communications in Computer and Information Science,Vol. 268, pp. 64-70(EI)
  • 2012,On the Optimization of Auditor Assignment,Communications in Computer and Information Science,Vol. 268, pp. 617-622(EI)
  • 2011,Allocation of Short-Term Jobs to Unemployed Citizens amid the Global Economic Downturn Using Genetic Algorithm,Expert Systems with Applications,Vol. 38, pp. 7535–7543(SCI/EI)
  • 2010, Unified Mathematical Form for Removing Neurons Based on Orthogonal Projection and Crosswise Propagation,Neural Computing and Applications,Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 445-457(SCI)
  • 2008,Pricing Local Search Engines for Company Websites,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,(SSCI/SCI/EI)
  • 2008,An Architecture-adaptive Neural Network Online Control System,Neural Computing and Applications,Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 413-423(SCI)
  • 2008,Pruning Support Vector Machines without Altering Performances,IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks,Vol. 19, No. 10, pp. 1792-1803(SCI/EI)
  • 2006,A New Binary Support Vector System for Increasing Detection Rate of Credit Card Fraud,International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 227-239(SCI/EI)
  • 2006,A New Binary Classifier: Clustering-Launched Classification,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI),Vol. 4114, pp. 278-283(SCI/EI)
  • 2006,A Production Scheduling System Based on Self-adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Manufacturing Elastic Knit Fabrics,Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete, and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Application & Algorithms, (DCDIS),Vol. 13(b) Supplement, pp. 176-180(SCI)
  • 2006,Detecting Credit Card Fraud by Using Support Vector Machines and Neural Networks,International Journal of Soft Computing,Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 30-35(其他)
  • 2006,Application of Genetic Algorithm on Production Scheduling of Elastic Knitted Fabrics,Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 149-153(其他)
  • 2005,Novel Questionnaire- Responded Transaction Approach with SVM for Credit Card Fraud Detection,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 3497, pp. 916-921(SCI/EI)
  • 2005,Building an Intrusion Detection System Based on Support Vector Machine and Genetic Algorithm,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 3498, pp. 409-414(SCI/EI)
  • 2005,A Hierarchical FLP Model for Broadband Network,IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 282-284, 2005(SCI/EI)
  • 2005,Efficient Entry-Reduction Algorithm for TCAM-based IP Forwarding Engine,IEEE Proceedings Communications,Vol. 152, No. 2, pp. 172-176(SCI/EI)
  • 2004,Detecting Credit Card Fraud by Using Questionnaire-Responded Transaction Model Based on Support Vector Machines,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 3177, pp. 800-806(SCI/EI)
  • 2004,A Research to Increase Users’ Satisfaction and Loyalty Based on the Customer Satisfaction Index: A Case Study on the National Taichung Institute of Technology’s Library,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 3334, pp. 558-567(SCI/EI)
  • 2004,Performance Improvement of Vector Quantization by Using Threshold,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 3333, pp. 647-654(SCI/EI)
  • 2003,High-Performance IP Forwarding with Efficient Routing-Table Update,Computer Communications,Vol. 26, No. 14, pp. 1681-1692(SCI/EI)
  • 2003,Scalable IP Routing Lookup in Next Generation Network,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 2662, pp. 46-55(SCI/EI)
  • 2003,Scalable Packet Classification for IPv6 by Using Limited TCAMs,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),Vol. 2662, pp. 76-85(SCI/EI)
  • Optimization of Healthy Diet Lists Considering Carbon Footprint and Calories,2022 International Conference on Diversified Education and Social Development (DESD 2022),Hangzhou
  • Optimization of Booth Assignment for a School Carnival,2022 International Conference on Diversified Education and Social Development (DESD 2022),Hangzhou
  • Final Report Assignment Based on Students’ Preferences to Topics and Partners,2022 International Conference on Diversified Education and Social Development (DESD 2022),Hangzhou
  • Optimization of Classroom Seating Arrangement Based on Social Relationships,13th International Conference on Education, Teaching & Learning (ICE19Swiss Conference),Zurich-Switzerland
  • Seat Assignment Optimization Based on Students’ Preferences,12th International Conference on Education, Teaching & Learning (ICE19France Conference),Paris-France
  • Team Composition Optimization Considering Social Relationship,the Seventeenth International Conference on Information and Management (IMS 2018),Wuhan-China
  • Optimization of Dieting with Suitable Calorie,the Seventeenth International Conference on Information and Management (IMS 2018),Wuhan-China
  • Assignment of Kitchen Cleaning Tasks to Students,the Seventeenth International Conference on Information and Management (IMS 2018),Wuhan-China
  • A Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Product Mix Optimization Problem,the Seventeenth International Conference on Information and Management (IMS 2018),Wuhan-China
  • A Referee Assignment Problem for Round Robin Tournaments,the Sixteenth International Conference on Information and Management (IMS 2017),Urumqi-China
  • Shortening Picking Distance by Using Rank-Order Clustering and Genetic Algorithm for Distribution Centers,Third European Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking,Paris-France
  • Basketball Game Arrangement Considering Referee Budget Execution Rate,the Fifteenth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2016),Xining-China
  • Sports Facility Allocation Based on Preferences of Users,6th International Conference on Applied Informatics and Computing Theory (AICT '15),Salerno-Italy
  • A Genetic Algorithm for Auditor Assignment Considering Social Preferences,the Fourteenth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2015),Guiyang-China
  • Minimizing Carbon Emissions of Vehicle Routing for Cold Chain Industry,the Fourteenth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2015),Guiyang-China
  • Hairdressers' Annual Turnover Prediction by Using Support Vector Machines,the Fourteenth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2015),Guiyang-China
  • Picking Route Optimization for On-demand Delivery Service of Hypermarkets,The Twelfth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2013),Kunming-China
  • Scheduling Riding Reservations of Attractions in Amusement Parks,The Twelfth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2013),Kunming-China
  • Enhancing Learning Performance Using Grouping Optimization Based on Social Relationships and Genetic Algorithm,The Twelfth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS 2013),Kunimng-China
  • Application of Sociometry and Genetic Algorithm to Selection of Class Officers,Eleventh International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2012),Dunhuang-China
  • Grouping Partners for Cooperative Learning Using Genetic Algorithm and Social Network Analysis,IWIEE 2012,China
  • An RFID-based management system for garment production,Tenth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2011),Lhasa-China
  • Tracking Learning Paths to Improve E-Learners Learning Strategies and Performance,Tenth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2011),Lhasa-China
  • Application of Genetic Algorithm on Low-Carbon Tourism Planning,International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (MSE 2010),Wuhan-China
  • Application of Genetic Algorithm on Tutoring Time Assignment Problem,International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (MSE 2010),Wuhan-China
  • Grouping Learning Partners of Students with Genetic Algorithm,Ninth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2010),China
  • Allocation of Internships to University Students by Using Genetic Algorithm,Ninth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2010),China
  • Application of Genetic Algorithm on the Arrangement of Staff Leave,Eighth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2009),Kunming-China
  • Employing Genetic Algorithm to the Solve the Selection Problem of Projects,Eighth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2009),Kunming-China
  • A GA-based System for Allocating Activities of a Physical Education Program to Undergraduate Students,8th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science and Applied Computational Science,Hangzhou-China
  • A GA-based System for Allocating Activities of a Physical Education Program to Undergraduate Students,8th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science and Applied Computational Science,Hangzhou-China
  • Genetic Algorithm for the Training Time Assignment Problem of Core Laboratories,WSEAS International Conference on AUTOMATION and INFORMATION,Bucharest, Romania
  • Scheduling Production Using Genetic Algorithm for Elastic Knitted Fabrics with Wide Ranges of Quantities Demanded,WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization,Beijing-China
  • Using Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objection Scheduling Problems in Production of Knit Fabrics,Sixth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2007),Lhasa-China
  • Scheduling Production Using Genetic Algorithm for Knitted Fabrics with Wide Ranges of Quantities Demanded,WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization,Beijing-China
  • A Simple and Fast On-Line Evaluation System for Learning,International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT),Phoenix Park-Korea
  • A Production Scheduling System Based on Genetic Algorithm for Elastic Knitted Fabrics,International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing ( HPSC 2006),Hanoi-Vietnam
  • A GA-Based Automatic Quoting System for Global Garment Manufacture,Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2006) pp. 100-105, Chengdu-China
  • Application of Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm on Allocating International Demand to Global Production Facilities,Sixth World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2006),Dalian-China
  • Scheduling of Wafer Test Based on Genetic Algorithm,Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2006)pp434-438, Chengdu-China
  • Predictive Model for Repeat Visitors to Sun Moon Lake,Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2006)pp. 106-110, Chengdu-China
  • A Combined K-Means and Hierachical Clustering Method For Improving the Clustering Efficiency of Microarray,International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ISPACS 2005) pp. 406-408,Hong Kong-China
  • 應用基因演算法建構全球染整生產之決策支援系統,國際經營管理學術研討會,虎尾-台灣
  • 運用植基於SVM的個人化模型偵測動態的信用卡盜刷行為,第三屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會 頁F1-1至F1-6,台中-台灣
  • 植基於遺傳演算法之全球成衣生產決策支援系統,第三屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會 頁M2-1至M2-7,台中-台灣
  • 植基於SCOR的供應鏈型態分析-以成衣業為例,科技與管理學術研討會 頁111至117,台北-台灣
  • 基因演算法在針織業生產排程之應用,第三屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會 頁A2-1至A2-6,台中-台灣
  • Selectivity of Email Download Systems Based on Internet Message Access Protocol,Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2005) pp. 334-340,Kunming-China
  • Personalized Approach Based on SVM and ANN for Detecting Credit Card Fraud,IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain (ICNN&B 2005) Vol. 2, pp. 810-815,Beijing-China
  • Mining Stock News in Cyberworld Based on Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks,IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain (ICNN&B 2005) Vol. 2, pp. 893-898,Beijing-China
  • Measuring Supply Chain Performance Based on SCOR: a Case Study of a Garment Company in Taiwan,Fifth International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2005)pp. 433-435,Hong Kong-China
  • Hardware Implementation of a Power Efficient Huffman Decoding, International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2005),Singapore
  • Classification of Microarray Gene Expression Using a Novel Binary Support Vector System,IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain (ICNN&B 2005) Vol. 1, pp. 485-489,Beijing-China
  • Calculating User Behaviors for Improving Library Service by Data Mining Techniques,Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2005)pp. 288-298,Kunming-China
  • Reducing Computation for Vector Quantization by Using Bit-mapped Look-Up Table,IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control (ICNSC 2004),Taipei-Taiwan
  • 利用Kano 二維品質模式探討圖書館服務品質需求,第五屆管理學域學術研討會,台中-台灣
  • Exploring and Ranking Student Expectations of College with Kano’s Model of Customer Satisfaction,Third International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2004) pp. 91-96,Dunhuang-China
  • ERP系統中品質管制模組納入的可行性之研究,第三屆21世紀產業經營管理國際學術研討會,高雄-台灣
  • Benefits of Implementing an ERP System: a Case Study of an IC Company in Taiwan,Third International Conference on Information and Management Science (IMS 2004) pp. 86-90,Dunhuang-China
  • 運用快速知識文件搜尋系統之建置導入知識管理,企業管理學術研討會暨電子商務經營管理研討會,台中-台灣
  • 利用文件探勘技術建構就業專長動態需求分析系統,人文、科技、e世代人力資源發展學術研討會,高雄-台灣
  • SVM應用於防止信用卡的盜刷,第一屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會 頁 587至592,台中-台灣
  • SVM於保險業開發新顧客之應用,企業管理學術研討會暨電子商務經營管理研討會,台中-台灣
  • 植基於醫療網站流量分析之流行疾病通報系統,BME Conference,高雄-台灣
  • 植基於網頁探勘技術之人性化管理介面設計之智慧型旅遊網站規劃系統,電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會,新竹-台灣
  • 2022,運用動態EIQ分析與基因演算法縮減快速配送前置倉揀貨距離(科技部大專學生研究計畫),111-2813-C-025-004-H>
  • 2020,次微型速配中心多單同揀訂單指派最佳化問題之研究,109-2221-E-025 -011
  • 2020,貨就人揀貨之啟發式無人車派遣與路徑排程規劃,109-2622-E-025 -005 -CC3
  • 2019,貨就人揀貨系統之貨架儲位指派最佳化,108-2622-E-025-002-CC3
  • 2018,考慮商品組合之裝箱問題: 裝箱順序之決定及求解效率之改善,107-2221-E-025-006
  • 2018,運用分群演算法與基因演算法規劃普渡商品箱配送路線(科技部大專學生研究計畫),107-2815-C-025-040-E
  • 2017,考慮個人化商品組合之多目標裝箱問題,106-2221-E-025-009
  • 2016,考慮商品組合最佳化之裝箱問題,105-2221-E-025 -013
  • 2014,考慮碳足跡之低溫物流配送問題之研究(科技部大專學生研究計畫),103-2815-C-025-018-E
  • 2013,運用基因演算法與群組技術以三階段機制求解結合實體與虛擬之量販店網路訂購揀貨路徑最佳化問題,102-2221-E-025-013
  • 2012,植基於非線性社交測量與基因演算法之團隊組合最佳化及其應用,101-2221-E-025-013
  • 2012,社交測量法與基因演算法在企業團隊組合最佳化之應用(國科會大專生專題研究計畫),101-2815-C-025-003-E
  • 2011,運用賽局理論與基因演算法求解便利超商營業時間縮減問題(國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫),100-2815-C-025-009-E
  • 2011,運用社交測量法與基因演算法求解分組最佳化問題,100-2221-E-025-016
  • 2010,全球節能減碳趨勢下便利超商營業時間縮減問題之研究(國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫),99-2815-C-025-007-E
  • 2010,以最少碳足跡為目標之全球多廠區訂單分配問題之研究(國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫),99-2815-C-025-002-E
  • 2010,基因演算法應用於低碳旅遊規劃之研究,99-2221-E-025-010
  • 2009,考慮最小產品哩程之全球成衣多廠區多目標訂單分配系統,98-2622-E-025-002-CC3
  • 2009,運用基因演算法求解全球經濟衰退下之臨時工分配問題(國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫),98-2815-C-025-003-E
  • 2008,運用遺傳演算法、分類演算法與TTQS訓練品質計分卡評估企業經營績效之研究,97-2221-E-025-012
  • 2007,智慧型染整動態排程系統之建立及應用(提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫),96-2622-E-025-003-CC3
  • 2007,運用遺傳演算法求解全球多廠區多目標訂單分配問題(國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫),96-2815-C-025-004-E
  • 2006,改良式的遺傳演算法於生產排程問題之應用,95-2221-E-025-011
  • 2006,植基於自適應遺傳演算法之針織產業動態生產排程系統(提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫),95-2622-E-025-002-CC3
  • 2005,植基於支持向量機及類神經網路之信用卡盜刷偵測之研究,94-2213-E-025-010
  • 2005,以遺傳演算法建構全球成衣智慧型動態報價系統(提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫),94-2622-E-025-002-CC3
  • 2004,運用遺傳演算法建構成衣產業之全球生產決策支援系統(提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫),93-2622-E-025-001-CC